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Dubai is known as the Business Hub in the Middle East, with ease of regulations, taxation policies and ease of doing business. Businessmen from around the globe are looking for jurisdictions which provides them the ease to do business and with the launch of Instant License from Business Registration and Licensing (BRL) in Department of Economic Development Dubai (DED) it made it easier and quicker. The good news is the majority of the commercial license can be issued within 10 minutes and no need to submit any documents required for license for 1 year.
There were over 6,000 total Instant License in Dubai were issued till date. What I hear from new businessmen entrants in the country is how likely is the market, this requires feasibility study and market research however instant license allows new business to enter market at low cost and study the market themselves.
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Individuals who can opt for Instant commercial License in Dubai
Anyone other than public and private shareholding companies all individuals can gain the benefit of Instant License in Dubai. Instant license includes four legal forms; Limited Liability Company, One Person L.L.C, Sole Proprietorship and Civil Company.
Why to opt for Instant License in Dubai
When businessmen/entrepreneurs tend to open a company they look for two things mainly; ease of processing and cost-efficient. Instant License in Dubai can be obtained instantly in 10 minutes in a cost-effective manner, giving them leverage to run business for 1 year and study the market and deal all over the UAE.
Documents Required
DBA shall gather all KYC documents and prepare the file to execute the work in the Authority Center.
- Passport for all partner.
- Local/Corporate Sponsor – to be arranged by ADAM/Client.
- In case the shareholder is a resident in UAE: residence visa copy and NOC by the current sponsor.
- In case the shareholder is non-resident in UAE: Visit visa copy.
Information required from the clients
- Choosing the legal form: Limited Liability Company, One Person L.L.C, Sole Proprietorship and Civil Company.
- Choosing the activity of their business as per DED.
- The shareholding structure of the partners.
- 3 Trade name
After the above-mentioned information, the consultant shall professionally facilitate to reserve the trade name, get the initial approval and payment voucher and hand over the Instant License copy within 10 minutes.
Pricing Model
Only one payment voucher is issued, including the fees of initial approval, reservation of trade name and issuance of the license. The Markets Fees of AED 5,000 shall be fixed, you shall not spend on the Office space and Court Fees which saves over AED 20,000 of your cost from the License in the normal process of getting the license from Dubai Mainland.
How can Anoop assist in obtaining Instant License in Dubai
Anoop is an expert on UAE Business setup and has hands-on experience in incorporation in Dubai, facilitating immigration and other authority’s approval work including Maid Visa, Family Visa and Resident/Investor Visa in Dubai. His other specialties include sole proprietorship investment in DIFC and Information Technology related setups in DSO and ADGM. He is available via email on.
anoop.cheerathodi@adamglobal.com or direct call on +971 50 911 0516
