Start a Medical Clinic in Dubai via LLC Company Formation in Dubai
If an individual wants to setup a medical clinic in Dubai, he/she needs to obtain a professional license which is provided by the Department of Economic Development (DED). A Professional license, which falls under the category of LLC Company formation in Dubai, requires a local service agent to practice in the emirate. A holder of a professional license can employ a limited number of workers who will also be covered under the professional license.
Medical professionals in Dubai must obtain their license through Dubai Health Authority (DHA). Doctors in Dubai must obtain specific licenses from DHA depending on whether they are interns, general practitioners, specialists, consultants or resident doctors. Similarly, dentists must obtain specific licenses from DHA. Nurses too must obtain their license from DHA. It is to be noted that even alternative medical practitioners such as Ayurveda, homeopathy, traditional Chinese medicine, Unani medicine etc must obtain the required license from DHA.
You must possess a medical degree or employ a director with the appropriate qualifications in order to open a private clinic in Dubai. All personnel at all levels must also be fully certified in the UAE. Besides, the international diplomas are not sufficient in the UAE. Doctors or nurses are subject to the procedure of certification in the UAE, with the possible need to pass local exams. Besides, all the certified medical personnel must know English.
As to the premises for clinics or medical offices, there are very strict requirements in terms of the size, finishing, utility areas, equipment, etc. Besides, each type of medical institution has its own requirements. For example, required facilities are different even for dental clinic and dental polyclinic.
For this reason, opening a clinic or any other medical institution in another format in the UAE requires considerable training and sufficient financial reserves. Besides, it is required to obtain a large number of all the possible approvals and certifications.
Setting up a medical clinic in Dubai requires lots of approvals from various departments, which can trouble experts who are inexperienced in UAE health law. DHA also has different licenses for alternative professionals like Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Naturopathy, Acupuncture to name a few.
Terminology on Company Formation Dubai
In Dubai, the Department of Economic Development is responsible to issue Mainland licenses for any type of business activity.A Mainland license, also known as LLC Company, allows you to do activity within Dubai. It has generally 4 major types of licenses namely Professional, Commercial, Industrial, Foreign Branch Setup. A Clinic Setup, as mentioned earlier will fall under a professional licence for an LLC company formation in Dubai.
Being an expert on Clinic & Medical Setup, as well as general company setup in Dubai , I would be delighted to receive your inquiries.
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About the author
Anoop Cheerathodi is an expert on Clinics and Medical Setup in all Emirates of UAE especially Dubai. His current role as a Business Consultant at ADAM Global ensures that he delivers updated information and facilitates the entire Incorporation procedures. His clients come from all across the globe including Germany, UK, France, Italy , GCC as well as USA and are Medical Practitioners, Doctors and Investors in the Medical Setup. You can directly get in touch with him on the below details Email: Mobile : +971 509110516